Introduction Did it ever happen to you that you update a modified picture in a Quark document and boom! it looses some of it's attributes like position, scale, etc.? well, if it did, this XTension is for you. And if it didn't happen, you still need this XTension, because it is just a matter of time before it does. PictXPrep™ is an XTension for QuarkXPress® versions 3.2 and higher. PictXPrep™ is a utility which scans a document on open, save or print, and automatically updates all the modified pictures, keeping their original attributes. PictXPrep™ also allows for manual selection and update of either all pictures in the current spread or just selected ones, without going through the "Picture Usage" menu. System Requirements PictXPrep™ is designed for QuarkXPress 3.2 or later. This PictXPrep™ demo is not copy protected and is fully compatible with floppy, RAM, or hard disks. This manual assumes that you are familiar with standard Macintosh™ procedures such as basic use of the mouse, dragging, clicking, double-clicking, pulling down menus, copying files, and copying disks. If any of these procedures are new to you, please refer to your Macintosh user’s manual. Installing PictXPrep™ To install AutoXTract, drag the file “PictXPrep™ Demo” into the same folder that contains the QuarkXPress application. After this has been done, restart QuarkXPress and follow the directions for using PictXPrep™. Comment, Suggestions and Problems If you have any suggestions for improvement, comments of any kind, or you find bugs in the XTension, please send an E-Mail message to: Thank you for evaluating PictXPrep™.